
Training and early years
Ximo began his musical education with his father at the age of six. In 2006, already studying at the Conservatori Municipal Barcelona, he received the Honorary Award by unanimous vote.
In 2010 he finished his clarinet studies at the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC) with Josep Fuster, and the following year he took the Continuing Education Course with Joan Enric Lluna. Since then, and until 2016, he collaborated regularly with the Banda Municipal de Barcelona as a clarinetist.
During this period he participated in various musical performance courses and received training from clarinetists such as Ramón Barona, Enrique Artiga, José Miguel Martínez, Enrique Pérez, Antonio Saiote, Alain Damiens, Harry Sparnaay, Wolfgang Meyer, Anthony Pay, among others.
Activity as a composer
At the same time, since 2005, Ximo has been working as a composer.
Between 2008 and 2013 he was a resident composer in the Jove Orquestra Simfònica Diaula, which under the direction of Alfons Reverté, premiered his works Aforismes Simfònics, Concertino per a Orquestra and Danses Valencianes.
He has received commissions from groups such as Barcelona Clarinet Players, Duet’tot sols, TetraBrass Bcn Ensemble, Quintet Frontela, 2AZ1 Duo, Casino Musical de Godella, Societat Musical l’Artística Manisense, among others.
In 2015 he won the 1st Composition Competition for Trombone Octet of Catalonia with the work Vuit Soldats de Varsòvia. In 2021 he won the Premis Castellitx of Algaida with his piece Música de la cort dels hòmens, for wind band.
He has premiered works in Paraguay, the USA, the Netherlands and much of Spain.

Activity as a composer
At the same time, since 2005, Ximo has been working as a composer.
Between 2008 and 2013 he was a resident composer in the Jove Orquestra Simfònica Diaula, which under the direction of Alfons Reverté, premiered his works Aforismes Simfònics, Concertino per a Orquestra and Danses Valencianes.
He has received commissions from groups such as Barcelona Clarinet Players, Duet’tot sols, TetraBrass Bcn Ensemble, Quintet Frontela, 2AZ1 Duo, Casino Musical de Godella, Societat Musical l’Artística Manisense, among others.
In 2015 he won the 1st Composition Competition for Trombone Octet of Catalonia with the work Vuit Soldats de Varsòvia.
He has premiered works in Paraguay, the USA, the Netherlands and much of Spain.

Training and career as a conductor
In 2014 Ximo finished his conducting studies at the Conservatori Superior del Liceu with Manel Valdivieso, Francesc Prat, Guerassim Voronkov and Daniel Mestre. That same year he founded the Jove Orquestra Barcino, of which he was the principal conductor until 2016.
Between 2016 and 2018 he studied the Wind Band Conducting Master at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in the city of Tilburg (The Netherlands), with Hardy Mertens (with whom he also developed composition technique), Henrie Adams and Jan Cober.
Ximo has conducted several orchestral and final degree projects at ESMUC, Conservatori del Liceu de Barcelona and also at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Tilburg.
For his final exam he conducted Harmonie St. Michael van Thorn (The Netherlands), during which he also premiered his Symphony No. 1.
In February 2019 he was a guest conductor for the Banda Municipal de Música de Palma, and since September of the same year has been chief conductor of the Banda de la Societat Musical La Primitiva in Rafelbunyol.